WormBase ParaSite HomeVersion: WBPS18 (WS285)

Downloads page

This page displays the table of files available for download. The table can be filtered by species by typing in the filter box at the top left of the table. Columns can be hidden using the 'show/hide columns' button.

A number of gzipped downloads are available for each species:

Genomic: Raw FASTA genome file
Masked Genomic: Genome FASTA with repeat regions hard-masked
Soft-masked Genomic: Genome FASTA with repeat regions soft-masked
Annotations: GFF3 file containing all annotations
Proteins: FASTA protein file
Canonical Geneset: GTF file containing the canonical geneset
mRNA Transcripts: FASTA of the mRNA transcripts
CDS Transcripts: FASTA of the spliced CDS-portion of the protein coding transcripts
Orthologs: TSV file listing orthologs in other species
Paralogs: TSV file listing paralogs in other species
Phenotypes: GAF file listing all direct gene-phenotype associations
Orthology-inferred Phenotypes: GAF file listing all gene-phenotype associations propagated via orthology
Repeat Families: FASTA of annotated repeat-families

The specification for GFF3 format can be found here.

The specification for FASTA format can be found here.

The specification for GAF 2.1 format can be found here.