Trichinella pseudospiralis - public RNASeq studies
Table of Contents
These studies are available in ENA, and the reads successfully align to our genomes.
They have not been included in our analysis for one of the following reasons:
Failed to meet minimal criteria for differential expression analysis, failure to pass data quality filters, or we were unable to interpret accompanying metadata.
SRP045246: Annotated genomic assembly for each of the sixteen Trichinella species and genotypes
University of Melbourne
Phylogenomic and biogeographic reconstruction of the Trichinella complex. (Korhonen .. Gasser, 2016)
4 runs in ENA
SRP140458: Comparative multi-omic analyses of Trichinella Pseudospiralis based on a new genome assembly by long-read sequencing
Agricultural Genomes Institute at Shenzhen
3 runs in ENA