Macrostomum lignano

Taxonomy ID 282301

Macrostomum lignano is a free-living, hermaphroditic flatworm found as part of the intertidal sand meiofauna of the Adriatic Sea. It has a high regeneration capacity facilitated by neoblasts, the stem cell system of the worm. It was first discovered in 1995 (described as a species in 2005) and since then has been the subject of research in several laboratories. Due to its small size, short generation time, amenability to genetic manipulation and easy maintenance in laboratory conditions, M. lignano has the potential to be a good invertebrate experimental model for stem cell research.

Genome Projects

There are 2 genome projects for Macrostomum lignano:

  • PRJNA284736: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory (Strain dv1)
  • PRJNA371498: University Medical Center Groningen (Strain DV1)