Haemonchus contortus

BioProject PRJEB506 | Data Source Wellcome Sanger Institute | Taxonomy ID 6289

About Haemonchus contortus

The nematode Haemonchus contortus, or red stomach worm, wire worm or Barber's pole worm, is an animal endoparasite infecting wild and domesticated ruminants (including sheep and goats) worldwide. It is a very common parasite and one the most pathogenic nematodes of ruminants. Adult worms are attached to abomasal mucosa and feed on the blood. H. contortus is a close relative of the human hookworm species which makes it an important model of parasitic nematode biology that is commonly used for experimental studies.

There is 1 alternative genome project for Haemonchus contortus available in WormBase ParaSite: PRJNA205202

Genome Assembly & Annotation


The assembly presented here has been sequenced at the Parasite Genomics group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute. The previous reference genome (Laing et al. (2013)) was improved through additional sequencing with long PacBio reads and optical mapping, giving a chromosome-level assembly (described in Doyle et al. (2020)).


The gene models were made by the Parasite Genomics group at the Wellcome Sanger Institute using an automated prediction tool BRAKER1 to generate preliminary gene models, which were subsequently improved using IsoSeq, incorporating orthologs using PASA and EVidenceModeler, and ongoing manual curation. The annotation presented here is a snapshot from Spring 2020.

Key Publications

Assembly Statistics

Assemblyhaemonchus_contortus_MHCO3ISE_4.0, GCA_000469685.2
Database VersionWBPS18
Genome Size283,439,308
Data SourceWellcome Sanger Institute
Annotation Version2021-04-WormBase

Gene counts

Coding genes19,623
Non coding genes24
Small non coding genes24
Gene transcripts21,477

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